15 years of combating gender-based violence

Since 2008, we have built long-term relationships, based on trust, with specialist organizations to combat violence against women. This close collaboration has enabled us to strengthen our commitment to better address the root causes of this violence. On the occasion of its 15th anniversary, Kering Foundation extended its scope of action to address violence against children, in particular sexual violence.
Through key feminist partnerships in six countries, we contribute to breaking the cycle of violence that is passed down from generation to generation by resourcing partner organizations, engaging Kering’s ecosystem and influencing new audiences to take action.
Click to read our new Impact Report, and learn more about our achievements over the past 15 years through 15 key impacts, and our strengthened strategy to break the cycle of intergenerational violence.
Since 2008:
• 1 million women survivors and 100 partner organizations supported.
• +40,000 professionals trained to provide tailored services to women survivors.
• 100,000 young people participated in violence against women awareness-raising workshops.