Resources to combat child sexual abuse


Resources to combat child sexual abuse

One in 5 women and 1 in 13 men report being victims of sexual abuse as a child. 70% to 80% of the perpetrators are family members or friends of the victim.*

Find help in your country and more information:

US — National Children’s Alliance

Canada — Child and Youth Advocacy Centers Network

Europe — Promise Barnahus Network

France — Face à l’inceste

France — Commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants (CIIVISE)

France — La Maison des femmes de Saint Denis (Île de France)

Primarily Countries in Africa and Latin/South America: Together for Girls

Globally — UNICEF — 150 Countries — UNICEF

For adult survivors of child sexual abuse:

US — SurvivorSpace: Based in the US and some material US-centric.

Resources for parents:

In English

Helping Your Child Heal from Child Sexual Abuse, helps parents understand why mental health treatment is important and what questions to ask to ensure a well-trained therapist delivering evidence-based treatments.

Caring for Kids: What Parents Need to Know About Child Sexual Abuse, a compendium of 10 fact sheets on many topics within Child Sexual Abuse from basic facts to what to do if a child discloses.

In Spanish

Cuidando a Los Ninos, a compendium of 10 fact sheets on many topics within Child Sexual Abuse from basic facts to what to do if a child discloses.

In French

Le loup, by Mai Lan Chapiron, an album written for children, to break the taboo of incest (for 4 years-old).

Mon corps est un trésor, (Bayard), a short story, available online for free to protect young children (4-7 years-old) from sexual violence.

Les violences sexuelles: Prévenir. Détecter. Accompagner by Patrick Loiseleur, with Face à l’inceste.

CléPsy, to help parents better understand their children's psychological difficulties and develop the skills they need to support them on a day-to-day basis.

For a more complete list of French resources, please visit the article Ressources pour lutter contre l’inceste on the French version of the Kering Foundation website.

Resources for teens:

It’s Never Your Fault, a fact sheet for teens about sexual abuse.

Premières fois (in French), a website offering resources and an online discussion space on friendships and family relationships for young teenagers in difficulty.

*The statistics above are derived from various studies condicted worldwide : UNICEF, Council of Europe, Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse, Face à l'inceste, CIVIISE.