Working towards concrete change


Over the past 15 years, the Kering Foundation has built a strategy focusing on impact. Working with organization on the implementation of critical programs aimed at creating meaningful change, providing essential and comprehensive support to survivors, wherever they are in their journey. Through key feminist partnerships in six countries, we help survivors escape violence, heal and rebuild their lives. We act in three directions: by providing essential services to survivors; changing behaviors in younger generations; and bringing other players on board.

Click here to read our 2020 & 2021 Highlights and learn more about our key achievements over the past 2 years, and how we are continuing our mission to stop violence and improve women's lives.

Every year:

275,000 women survivors and 25 organizations are supported by the Kering Foundation.

600 professionals are trained to provide tailored services to survivors.

25,000 young people take part in violence against women training awareness-raising workshops.

+200 Kering employees are trained with our domestic violence program.

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