Creating a Safe and Supportive Work Environment


Since 2011, the Kering Foundation has developed an internal program to create a safe and supportive environment for survivors of domestic abuse. The Foundation offers domestic violence internal trainings designed in partnership with national specialist organizations Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes (France), Donne in rete contro la violenza - D.i.Re (Italy), Women’s Aid Federation of England (England), National Network to End Domestic Violence (US), open to employees across the Group.

The 3-hour trainings are available to all employees in France, Italy, the UK and the US, in order explore the cycle and impact of domestic violence, deconstruct stereotypes and give an understanding of the role a company can play in supporting survivors. Participants also learn how to refer a colleague experiencing violence to the Foundation’s specialist organization partners. In addition, a 30-minute e-learning is available in 7 languages to Kering employees, developed with the One In Three Women network.

Kering’s Global Policy on Domestic Violence, in place since January 2021, offers all its employees who are victims of domestic violence a totally confidential package of support measures, which are mainly provided by specialist organizations. In addition, the Group can adjust an employee’s working conditions (changing the location, introducing flexible working hours, etc.), and can also provide specific leave and other financial assistance.

Over 1,900 employees have taken part in domestic violence trainings.

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