Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes (FNSF)


Providing support and shelter to survivors

Originally founded in the 1970s, the Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes (FSNF) combats violence against women in France, with a particular focus on domestic violence. Today, Solidarité Femmes is comprised of 81 organizations across the country that provide support and shelter to women survivors and their children.

It also builds the capacities of the professionals in contact with the survivors through on-going training: member organizations as well as social workers, health professionals, law enforcement officers and elected officials.

Among Solidarité Femmes’ key contributions is the 3919, the French national helpline for domestic violence, which offers listening, information and guidance to at-risk women, as well as friends and family members.

Solidarité Femmes also provides trainings to the Kering Group’s French employees, in order to understand the complexities of domestic violence, its impact on the workplace and how to listen and orient a colleague experiencing violence.

The Kering Foundation provides unrestricted funding to cover core activities of Solidarité Femmes. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, calls to 3919 increased by 94% in April 2020. In order to ensure the continuity of services, the Foundation provided an additional grant of €35,000 in order to cover specific responses and any associated additional costs.

In 2021:

92,674 emergency calls handled by the 39 19.

87,200 individual consultations provided.

47,120 victims sheltered.

“[The 3919* counselor] ensured that I was able to open up to her. I stayed on the line with her for an hour and a half. After that call, I wasn’t the same person anymore.”

– Survivor & 3919 beneficiary

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